Cairo Houses Citadels tours, booking, prices, reviews
Cairo Houses Citadels represented by Al Harrawi House which built in 1731 by Ahmed Ben Youssef El Serafi. In fact, the indeed is one of the fine examples of the Islamic houses representing the Ottoman era. The house named after its last owner, Abdel Rahman Al Harrawi. He was a doctor Qasr El Ayini Medical School. Moreover, the house located in the heart of a well known quarter in Cairo behind Al Azhar Mosque. Furthermore, the house situated between two narrow Haraa (Alley). They are Haret Al Madrassa and Zuqaq Al Ayini. In fact, several other Islamic houses and monuments found in the Darb El Ahmar surroundings. Furthermore, the house has a common wall with Sitt Wasila house. It is next to the Zeinab Khatoun house and to the Ghannamiah Hall.
Cairo Houses Citadels also represented by Beshtak Palace. In fact, it constructed by Prince Beshtak Al Nasiri in 1334. The palace is a structure and Islamic museum in Cairo. It signifies Arabic architecture in the historic period of time in Egypt. Moreover, it has uncommon windows covered with Mashrabiya. The 2nd floor chambers have sharp arches. They also feature stained-glass home windows. The Palace is almost complete in its actual shape. Furthermore, it has two stories, hall, a compact courtyard and built-in stables. The palace has indeed a wonderful entrance opening onto a side avenue. The long facade acceded with lots of windows. In fact, it opens on the hubbub lane in ancient Cairo. In fact, the palace permitted to re-open in some month’s time. Yet it’s practical to view the courtyard and also the outer facade through the main road.
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Cairo Houses Citadels also represented by the Citadel of Saladdin. indeed is one of Cairo’s most popular tourist attractions. It located on a spur of limestone that detached from its parent Moqattam Hills by quarrying. Moreover, Cairo Citadel is one of the world’s greatest monuments to medieval warfare. In fact, it is a visible landmark on Cairo’s eastern skyline. When viewed from the back side, Cairo Citadel reveals a medieval character. The area where Cairo Citadel located now began it’s life as the “Dome of the Wind”. It is a pavilion which created in 810. This area well known for its cool breeze. In fact, the early governors didn’t realize its strategic importance. However, they used the pavilion for its view of Cairo.
During 1176 and 1183 Salah El Din fortified the area to protect Cairo from Crusaders attacks. Since then, it never been without a military garrison. In fact, it served as both a fortress and a royal city. Legend has it that Salah El Din chose the site for its healthy air. The story goes that he hung pieces of meat up all around Cairo. Everywhere in Cairo the meat spoiled within a day. At Cairo Citadel area, it remained fresh for several days. This location provides a strategic advantage to dominate Cairo and to defend outside attackers. Salah El Din came from Syria. It is where each town had some sort of fortress to act as a stronghold for the local ruler. It was natural that he would carry this custom to Egypt.
More details about the Houses and Citadels:
Cairo Houses Citadels also represented by El Seheimy house which built in 1648. The house purchased in 1796 by Sheikh Ahmed Al Suhaimi. He extended it by integrating several of the adjacent houses. Nowadays the house is the best example of a rich private house. It is especially after its restoration process. The house demonstrates a lot of arts in this period. The period and how people used to live in the Ottoman period. The house is the first building on the left hand side of Darb El Asafar. In fact, Darb El Asafar is a narrow corridor in Fatimid, Cairo. From the outside, the building seems to be in a good state. The house restored in 1997. It was under the auspices of the Arab Fund for Economic Development.
Cairo Houses Citadels also represented by Zeinab Khatoun house. The house is one of the most remarkable houses which left nowadays. It occupies a distinguished location at the back of Al Azhar mosque in Azhary alley. The house named after its last owner. Two other important houses are near to the house. They are El Harrawi house and Sitt Wasila house. Most of Islamic houses had the same architectural design. They composed usually of a central open courtyard around. The rest of the house chambers distributed. This is including the main spaces such as the “Salamlik” and Haramlek. Salamlek is men quarter and Haramlek is women quarter. The house features simple stone facade with small windows. It is missing the presence of the luxurious wooden Mashrabeyya windows.