• Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis
  • Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis
  • Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis
  • Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis
  • Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis
  • Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis

Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis tours, booking, prices, reviews

Gebel El Dist or El Dist Mountain located in Bahariya Oasis in Western Desert, Egypt. In fact, Gebel El Dist is has an impressive pyramid shape. The mountain has symmetrical sides and pointed peak. That is why it called the Pyramid Mountain. The mountain is visible from most of the oasis. Moreover, the mountain is 100 meter away from Gebel Maghrafa and 17 kilometer away from the town. Furthermore, the mountain features a local landmark and famous for its fossils. In fact, dinosaur bones found here in the early 20th century. It disproved the previous theory which says that dinosaurs only lived in North America.

Further details about Gebel El Dist Bahariya Oasis:

Moreover, some remains of a giant specimen of paralititan stromeri found in the mountain. In fact, it was by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in 2001. The discovery of this huge herbivore stood on the edge of a tidal channel when it died. In fact, it was 94 million years ago. Moreover, it makes likely that Bahariya oasis was once a swamp like to the Florida Everglades in the US. The mountain indeed is a challenging 1-hour climb to the top. If you did it, you will have impressive views of the oasis, desert and thousands of palm trees.

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